Saturday, March 01, 2008

This Game Sucks

I am a hairs breath away from being put of the boy / girl game and seeing if I can shape the world by marrying my bike! That would be fun though, imagine if I can pull that off, people will beable to marry computers and the likes in the future...

Anyway, why am I in this point of view? I am sure you are dieing to know... okay not quite. Firstly let me warn you before hand that there is alot of back story and will be in this thoughout this post.

Okay, I saw my one of my best friends off today. He is leaving for Canada (again) and while I might not cry as much as him, well it hurt like a sunofabitch. So my solution was... lets go have a drink or a 100. Unfortunatly, as per an omen that he was not to leave (or just my typical fracking luck) a lighning bolt had hit a sub station and thus my favourate pub was well... in the dark. So upon getting back I decided that I would walk (yes had better ideas in my life. I did however realise that I have become an unfit SOB) to the Dros down the road (that is if 3Km is down the road).

Anyway, got there and ordered a beer, and anouther, and anouther, and anouther...

After awhile a girl walked in... not that I was in the mood for conversation, I was more trying to figure out what and what not was stopping me from heading to Canada and getting the Frack out of this country... Anyway, time passed (I think 2 beers) and nothing was said till she wanted to head to the bathroom and she asked me to look after her bag... Shiney! Not a problem, thats something I can do, thus I did.

To cut a short story long, she was in the bathroom for less time than any woman I have ever known... (That is if I am dishonest, there are 2 others; one is a Lesbian and the other... well she is comming.)

BUT! Now that I think about it this is a good time to bring her in... now the trick is to keep this very vague... lets say the following; she was probably the best lay I have ever had (crude? I know but like I care), she made me look saine (a feat in itself), and the little fact that she was 24 and had a kid... was having probs with the daddy and thus well I was sorta around.

Shit that was not all that vague...

So the point?

Well getting back to the evening... after awhile of me trying to figure out how to get the hell out of this country and into anouther as well as what is keeping me tied to it (here I will say that the fact that my beer might just freeze if I walk outside is a pretty good deterant). She interupts my deap thoughts... okay not so deap.

Anyway, well we chat about the usual... work, location and weather... *Yawn!* as well as the whole buddy overseas thing... during wich I say I have nothing other that ny bike keeping me here other than the weather (hence the chat about the weather... see it wasn't that dull)

Then she says: "I'll tell you my story."

Turns out she is married (still trying to figure out the entire story of why exactly she wasn't wearing her ring), she has a kid and is the same age as me. But (Frack! I hate that word) she4 has an issue with her hubby... bla bla, her problem not gonna bore you all with it but this brings me to the big question...


Okay, I think that some of this is because she looks and has the mannerisums of the previous... lets say nameless chick from before that I sat there, as per before and listened to all the shiite.

So the point?

Thats simple, my bike is simple: petrol, oil, and a service now and then she is happy and I know when she is happy. My luck with the so called fairer sex? well that I think I have covered pretty well. Now, I have a thoery (Might be fueld by male ego, but you know what? I am one and have one).

R20 says I could have gotton her into bed. With a pretty devious, underhanded, way too alas... I am to god damn nice and decided it might be best if she plays with her hubby instead of me. Honourable I know... I am the shining beacon of honour... but to be honest I have just had too much of the whole emotional baggage thing. So I ask again:


Anyway, thats life...