Friday, May 29, 2009

Have we stunted ourselves?

Some people say that for major advancements in technology, I do not agree. Sure in World War II we got great inventions like Radar and of course nuclear physics. Okay the nuclear physics was used to kill lots of people but that lead to atomic power. Of course most of the inventions are used to kill people or blow things up spectacularly but parts of those inventions filter down to us normal people for use in in everyday things, like speakers.

Alas I do not see this as the pinnacle of invention, in reality most of the better, world changing, inventions or applications come from times of piece. Look at flight, a massive step in human ‘evolution’, that was invented not for slaughter (even though it became very good at that later) but rather to fulfill a human dream that has existed since before Icarus flew to close to the sun and that was a LONG time ago.

Motorcars, did not start off so that we could build tanks but rather because we were tired of walking everywhere and speed is a factor ofcourse… sure enough as soon as we build anything, some idiot (like me) till try and see just how fast we can make it go. Not that this is a bad thing either seeing as that also leads to some relatively good and ingenious invention.

However one will note flight was established in 1908 and the automobile a good 150 years before that in 1769. Now other than the fact that the world was a relatively quiet place during those times, there is a far more obscure fact that leads to not only the invention but also the mass adoption of these ideas unlike today.

Lets see if you can hazard a guess as to what that is.

Okay, I’ll tell you, its fear, fear of this ‘nice’ new ‘safe’ society we live in.

Just think about it, say we had to solve all the problems associated with teleportation, all of a sudden World Health Organization and all the other made up jobs out there step in to contemplate the safety of it all and it’s all of a sudden tied up in rubbish for the next 20 years as they discuss it and waist time.

It’s actually quite simple, one person, and there is always one person who is brave enough to try it first, simply needs to step in and one of two things happens either it works or it doesn’t and they tweak and try again later.

Not in this day and age after years of discussing who’s jurisdiction it falls under and then further centuries of people trying to justify their made up positions there might be a test and woe be it if something actually goes wrong. Lawsuits and finger pointing all round as these fake people desperately try and cling to their nothing, while the pioneers fade into the same bland background as we are currently stuck in.

I really feel for these people because they are just that, pioneers, people who don’t want the bland nothingness that all this ‘safeness’ has brought about.

A little known fact is that NASA when they sent out the legendary Apollo 11 moon landing mission, a mere 40 years ago, they actually had no clue as to whether it would succeed or not. Their primary concern was the separation of the ascent stage of the craft and actually had a press statement prepared to if it failed. Now in that time a failure would not have resulted in lawsuits and the halt of progress they simply would have sent the next group and tried again.

So now we sit in this proverbial scientific grey area with little to no advancement being made, in fact for the most part we seem to be going backwards or slower, look at flight with the death of the concord no effort has been made to replace it instead they talk about it and then build bigger and slower planes instead.

I say we should revert back remove these stuffy made up jobs and forge forth. Remember: “He who dares, wins.”