Friday, August 14, 2009

Are you Happy?

Wached this great film the other evening called What Woman Want, it was a good flik, old-school, with very little story other and an asshole can hear womans thoughts and is thus transformed into a nice guy... Great flick! Got Mel Gibson at the helm and (yet) anouther girl power movie... But thats just it... are there really "boy power" movies out there anymore? Is there really anything out there these days that stops the estogen flowing and acually gives the men in the wold an inkling of that, long forgotton-often badmouthed-actually needed for the propigation of the human race-horror word:


FUCKALL! Lets take a tour:

Bond... James Bond. We all have our favourates. Men, know Sean Connery is God, while woman think Pierce Brosnan is the best place in the world to park thier shoes. And to be honest I do not blame them for there mistake. Both dark haired, both on-top of thier game both MEN for the most part... But I bring to you one scene among many, Goldeneye - Bond walks up to Moneypenny makes his usual flirtatus remark and, OOPS she has a date, thus Bond is left flapping in the wind. To the girls it says: "You go girl, you have the power!", to the Bond Geek it says: "They all have a dates don't bother."

Not even gonna get started on the "Reboot Bonds"!

Indiana Jones was a great flik right? Apparently so great, they actually had to go and conciusly change the main character from being a man to a girl to get game sales, hence that titty, titty, strutty, strutty, I'll blow your face of if you look at me, pshycopath, Laura Croft was born... Good stuff!

BSG ( for the non geeks thats BattleStar Galactica), There are two major players, Obama (the comander of the Galactica ie, the ship with the big guns) AKA the Biggest Dick and Laura Rosslyn (the President of pretty much fuckall, 45K people with no guns is pretty much a joke) AKA The Estorgen Pit, where all logic dissapears. Now in the show as scifi and above most as it is there are no fewer than 6 Strong female roles, all showing just how good they are while at the end of the day all the men other than Obama are best described as dazed and confused... sounds kinda like today.

Terminator (Big, bad killy robot sent back through... damn I dont care if you have overies you HAVE to know this story). So this guy gets sent back through time to fight this uber killy thing that he stands no chance defeating right? He goes trough anyway and does a bangup (scuse the pun) job... and dies in the process. Then along comes T:SCC where we (as males) are subjected to run and hide while a goodly amount of Tits & Ass go out and fuck the world up...

Californication... THE LAST BASTIAN OF MALE! The Guy (Hank Moody) drinks, smokes and fucks... not in that order... We have been saved! Hala... oops wait, the show all of a sudden portays the man as being a fuckup (which he is, I know, we smell our own), who can only do anything constructive ( I say constructive, because all of a sudden being able to do the imposible, chatting up a woman by being a male is shown in a bad light) but now he cant even do that because a woman,who told him to fuck off, must chase her.

Then, after taking it all away I hear: "Where have all the real men gone?"

Answer: "You fucking castrated them! and those you missed are not all that turned on by the saggy tits that are no loger suported!"

But ya, thats just me using the last little squirt of testosterone.